PMR led by Physical and Medical Rehabiliation Consultants throught
out all our facilities
Supportive Therapy for LTC - Family/Caregiver Training -
Neurorehabilitation - Burn Rehabilitation - Hydrotherapy -
Sports Injury Rehab - Musculoskeletal Rehab -
Acute/Sub-acute Rehabilitation - Geriatric Neuro-Rehab -
Cardiac Rehab - Pulmonary Rehab.

Splinting - Hand Rehabilitation - Infant/Pediatric and -
Special Needs Rehabilitation - Community Based
Rehabilitation - Seating - Posture Management - Functional
Assessments and Training - Sensory Integration - Adaptive
Technology Assessment & Recommendation - Cardiac
Rehab - Pulmonary Rehab.

Functional Swallowing and Feeding Assessments -
Treatment - Aphasia Treatment - Dysphasia Treatment
Fluency Treatment - Non-verbal Learning and Development
Delay Special Education.

Psychological Assessment / Health and Behavioral
Assessment and Intervention Evidence-based psychological
intervention for Cognitive, Behavioral and / Emotional
Difficulties / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) / Supportive
Therapy / Grief Counselling / Family Therapy / Group Therapy.

Respiratory Therapy / Pulmonary Care / Evidence-based interventions for Respiratory Disorders / Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) / Asthma Management / Pulmonary Rehabilitation / Mechanical Ventilation Support / Oxygen Therapy / Breathing Techniques Training / Patient Education and Lifestyle Counselin.